What Was The Reason
With all the controversy that surrounds the best seller, why is it that no one will try to verify or research it… What is it you may ask? The Bible. This book has ran uncontested for centuries and people constantly question it’s validity. Why? It’s because of the contradictions and gaping wholes that has been left out which has the world in a frenzy. Though, for this piece I had to do some research and try to read the omitted chapters myself. Now, as we embark on this journey together I am in no way ordained. I am a christian myself, I just realize that man can take things and bend them to their will. That’s because God gave us free will.
As I begin reading the books; My question was why? The omitted books dives deeper in Mother Mary’s life and why she was chosen to carry Jesus into the world. Honestly after reading the book about Mother Mary; it seems like she was the cleanest soul to date, besides Jesus himself. It actually tells the story of Mother Mary’s mother and father. Her story resonated with me, because it would give so many women actual hope and peace. The book actually gives some insight to why women might not be able to have children. Think of how many women go through IVF treatments; and fail and feel terrible because of it. Let’s not begin on the actual side effects of the treatment its self.
The passage was about hope and love. A husband actually being patient with his wife and allowing god to move in and bless them with a child. It wasn’t a blame of man or woman, it was patience and mercy that gave them that miracle child. Mother Mary.
Now, there are some aspects of the book that can give some insight to why some of these books are omitted. The book reveals that Mother Mary’s father was from the tribe of Levi and the Priest of Jocheim. Which means, Jesus would be black or Africa America decent. The King James version has some scriptures to back this up as well. In the Book of Revelations Ch 1 vs. 13–14
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. (link to the actual chapter included)
Any wool type hair we automatically know, if the hair nappy… they black. While many have come to terms with this today; during King James time.. Not so much.
Now, you may also think that why is there such a fuss about a king commissioning the bible. Wouldn’t that align with the religion of Christianity?Knowing King James’ History, he wasn’t the type of stand up guy that people want to make him out to be. In my opinion he was more of an opportunist.
So who actually translated the Bible?
We all know people weren’t speaking the Kings English when the events actually took place. Think at time, this was the multi national language and many spoke this way. Remember they had reach in many different countries at that time also. This still doesn’t negate the fact that the lost books were omitted from the Bible that is used day in and day out by a religion that has a lot of control. So, in this 12 part series I will be investigating the books of the lost bible, and the claims to why they were removed.
But, back to Mother Mary. The book described Mother Mary to be a saint. Her whole purpose was to bring forth the child that would save humanity. Which means a woman would be the redeemer for the world. That could be threatening to some, especially at that time frame. During that time, there was a war between men and women, well not necessarily a war. Why? The women’s place. During that time a women weren’t allowed to do much without relying on her husband. Think what message would this actually relay to women at this time. She would actually expect mercy and grace from her husband about a child. Oh no.. Between the 9 illegitimate children and the many other children that he had you can begin to see the light about why.
So, that brought me to another question. When royalty commissions something, it’s usually done by someone within their royal court that they pay to do it. While researching; I couldn’t actually find exactly what he actually practiced as a religion. Only that he commissioned the bible to be written. It wouldn’t be far fetched that a king would commission a book to be written or translated for his people that mostly practice Christianity. At that time, the church had a strong hold on the community so why wouldn’t a king take a book and bend the truth a little bit. Why wouldn’t he use the very same bible to control the main population of society?
Now, this is where the tricky part comes in, you have to remember when the original pilgrims came over they weren’t apart of the high class society. These people were often middle and lower class, or even sometimes slaves. You have some people that claim the indoctrination of slavery in the bible was created because of the slave trade with Africans. Not much so, but its apart of it. You see in the original country, lower white class citizens were slaves. Many because of debts, which made them indentured slaves. So of course if this class is reading the bible, you would want it to normalize having slaves. But that goes back to who actually translated it. Now, the King Jams Version was not the only English translation of the bible that existed. It’s just the one that became nationally known. I mean today there are different versions of the bible, but they seem to mirror KJV. There a lot of things to think about when it comes to translation.
One, there was Christianity before Jesus walked the land. This what you call the old testament, this does include the land before Jesus walked on the earth himself. Some don’t think back that far, but in order to understand or present and prepare for our future, we definitely must understand the past. Though, just in the first book alone, I see that this is going to be a heck of a ride. Hopefully you all will enjoy it with me!